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5 Surprising Benefits Of Getting Braces From Your Orthodontist

May 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — newengland-kids @ 7:23 pm

adult with bracesWhile getting a straighter smile with traditional braces is a huge confidence-booster, they can do way more than that. If you’re suffering from crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth, or a misaligned bite, there’s one treatment that can fix it all. Your orthodontist can help you  improve your oral health and get your dream smile all while helping you maintain your professional image with braces. Read on to learn about 5 surprising benefits to getting braces besides a seamless smile.

Reduce Your Risk of Decay and Gum Disease

When your teeth are misaligned, it can affect more than just your appearance. Crowding creates small spaces between your teeth that trap food debris, plaque, and tartar. Because crooked teeth make it harder to remove these, they put you at a higher risk of developing cavities and gum disease. This disease forms when plaque accumulates below your gum line and causes a bacterial infection resulting in inflammation, bleeding, and irritation.

Even if you keep up with your oral hygiene, these tight places can make it especially hard to floss and brush. When you straighten your smile, it will become easier for you to remove plaque and harmful disease-causing bacteria.

Prevent Bone Decomposition

The position of your teeth affect the amount of pressure that’s put on your jawbone and oral tissues when you perform basic tasks like eating and speaking. These oral components are vital in holding your teeth in place. When too much force is put on the same areas, it can cause erosion in the areas that aren’t getting the same amount of stimulation. Getting braces helps to reposition your teeth so the pressure is being evenly distributed, and each part of your bone is being stimulated.

Correct Jaw Pain and Bite Problems

If you suffer from bite problems, this can cause your jaw to hurt and several additional symptoms such as headaches. When left uncorrected, it can have long-term effects on your oral health and cause severe discomfort. Braces can help correct your bite problem so extra strain isn’t being placed on a specific portion of your jaw and teeth.

Improve Your Speech

When you speak, you’re able to create certain sounds because your tongue moves against the roof of your mouth and teeth. For example, if your teeth are positioned too far forward or backward, it could cause you to have a lisp. With braces, your front teeth will become straightened, improving your speech and pronunciation.

Digest Your Food Properly

Misaligned teeth have a huge impact on your ability to chew your food. When you don’t chew your food into easily-digestible morsels, your digestive system isn’t able to extract vitamins and nutrients out of it properly. Because of this, you could develop issues such as anemia and suffer from stomachaches and other digestive issues. By properly aligning your teeth, you’ll improve your ability to chew and digest your food.

About the Author

Orthodontist Dr. Reema Dhingra loves helping patients feel proud of their smile and boosting their confidence. She is passionate about improving her patients’ oral health and giving them the attention and time they deserve. She enjoys working with patients of all ages and backgrounds, from teenagers to adults, because everyone deserves a healthy smile! For any questions or to schedule an appointment, visit her website or contact 508-832-6278.

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